2.11 Need To Know
Initial Symptoms: Woman with fertility treatments + movement disorder
Diagnosis: Ritalin (House) + birth control pills (House) + vascular liver tumor (House)
Contributions by Team
House (4): Idea to paralyze patient during MRI, diagnosis for Ritalin, diagnosis for birth control pills, diagnosis for liver tumor
Chase (1): Found liver tumor on ultrasound
Cameron (1): Suggests estrogen may explain movement disorder
Foreman (0): None
Notes: House suspected endometrial cancer and told the Housepets to perform a biopsy. Chase found the liver tumor when the patient started bleeding during the procedure. Since House was the one to suspect cancer and who ordered the procedure that lead to the discovery, House gets the diagnosis.
Diagnosis: Ritalin (House) + birth control pills (House) + vascular liver tumor (House)
Contributions by Team
House (4): Idea to paralyze patient during MRI, diagnosis for Ritalin, diagnosis for birth control pills, diagnosis for liver tumor
Chase (1): Found liver tumor on ultrasound
Cameron (1): Suggests estrogen may explain movement disorder
Foreman (0): None
Notes: House suspected endometrial cancer and told the Housepets to perform a biopsy. Chase found the liver tumor when the patient started bleeding during the procedure. Since House was the one to suspect cancer and who ordered the procedure that lead to the discovery, House gets the diagnosis.
Labels: Season 2
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