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House's Team

2.08 The Mistake

This episode is divided into two parts because the team had to diagnose the patient two times.

The First Time
Initial Symptoms: Woman with abdominal pain + joint pain + uveitis
Diagnosis: Behcet's disease (Chase) + stomach ulcer

Contributions by Team
House (0): None
Chase (1): Diagnosis for Behcet's disease
Cameron (1): Suggests illness affects blood vessels
Foreman (1): Suggests illness affects arteries

Notes: A paramedic diagnoses the bleeding stomach ulcer.
Chase received an error for failing to diagnose the stomach ulcer. As far as I can tell Chase's only mistake was in being brusque with a patient, which is hardly new for any of the characters, but a great deal was made of it on the show so I must count it.

The Second Time
Initial Symptoms:
Woman with Behcet's disease + liver transplant + fever
Diagnosis: Hepatitis C (House) + liver cancer from transplant (House)

Contributions by Team
House (2): Diagnosis for hepatitis C, diagnosis for liver cancer
Chase (1): Realizes that patient has infection
Cameron (0): None
Foreman (0): None



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