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House MD Guide :: Blogs & Answers ::   Performance Reviews:
House's Team

Episodes 6.15 and 6.16

Episode 6.14, 5 To 9, is not included here.

6.15 Private Lives

Initial symptoms: Woman with coagulopathy
Diagnosis: Whipple's disease (House)

Contributions by team:
House (2) Realizes patient is in liver failure because she has day/night reversal, diagnosis for Whipple's disease
Chase (1) Discovers patient's mitral valve needs to be replaced
Foreman (0)
Taub (0)
Thirteen (0)

Notes: Did no one notice the patient's appendix was about to burst? Or that her liver had failed?
Chase realized the patient had heart valve damage because it hurt her to lie on her back.
The patient was misdiagnosed with lymphoma. It wasn't said who made this misdiagnosis, specifically, so I'll chalk it up to a pathologist somewhere.

6.16 Black Hole

Initial symptoms: Girl with pulmonary edema
Diagnosis: Cerebellar schistosomiasis hypersensitivity allergy (Foreman)

Contributions by team:
House (2) Idea for cognitive recognition program, realized how patient had been exposed to parasite
Chase (0)
Foreman (1) Diagnosis for schistosomiasis allergy
Taub (0)
Thirteen (1) Suggests patient has an allergy

Notes: Thirteen first had the idea that the patient's symptoms were caused by an allergy. She suggested the patient was allergic to something "inside her", meaning the boyfriend's semen. Foreman later told House that the allergy could be caused by the Middle Eastern parasite schistosomiasis. House later deduced that the patient had been exposed to the parasite through sexual contact with her boyfriend's father.
Taub and Thirteen successfully operated on the patient's heart. Because they're cardiac surgeons now.
Foreman suggested a body scan, which should have showed the parasite.
House relied on the mind-reading technology to deduce how the patient had been exposed to the parasite. I don't need to say it but I will anyway: that technology does not exist.



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